- Fresh eggs in the shell should be clean, dry, not crack and free from any odors
- Eggs should always be kept in their original container
- Pasteurized egg products may be used for uncooked items such as meringues and for lightly cooked items such as pastry creams, custards and ice creams.
- Wash your hands before and after handling raw eggs for at least 20 seconds with hot, soapy water
- Clean and sanitize all utensils and pieces of equipment after handling any egg products.
- Clean and sanitize all work surfaces after handling any egg products.
- Use only Grade A, pasteurized dairy products
- Milk and dairy products should be stored at 41ºF (5ºC) or below
TIP: Eggs are major concern for food service workers because hens may carry a microorganism called Salmonella.
TIP: Dairy products include such items as milk, cream, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, buttermilk and Ice cream. Microorganisms that may be earned in dairy products include Salmonella Campylobacter jejuni and Listeria monocytogenes.
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